Sunday, January 27, 2013

MERLOT Evaluation Post

Link to my MERLOT resource:

Quality of Content:
  1. Does the software present valid (correct) concepts, models, and skills? Yes
  2. Does the software present educationally significant concepts, models, and skills for the discipline? Yes
Potential Effectiveness as a Teaching-Learning Tool:
  1. What stage(s) in the learning process/cycle could the materials be used?
    1. Explanation or description of the topic/stating the problem
    2. Demonstration of the curriculum/exploration of the problem
    3. Practice using the curriculum/analysis of the outcomes from solving the problem
    4. Applying the curriculum to "new" problems/application of the outcomes to other problems
  2. What is(are) the learning objective(s)? What should students be able to do after successfully learning with the materials? The students would use the websites in order to practice a variety of different concepts after they have already learned the material.  The students should gain a better understanding of the content after having practiced on the website.
  3. What are the characteristics of the target learner(s) The target learner would be a French student of any level because the site provides practice activities for many different concepts.
  4. Does the interactive/media-rich presentation of material improve faculty and students' abilities to teach and learn the materials? Yes the website is very well organized and gives students an opportunity to practice what they have learned in a more fun and interactive way.
  5. Can the use of the software be readily integrated into current curriculum and pedagogy within the discipline? Yes as long as computers are available to the students.
  6. Can the software be used in a variety of ways to achieve teaching and learning goals? Not necessarily, the majority of the activities would only work as long as the students have had previous instruction of the material. 
  7. Are the teaching-learning goals easy to identify? Yes
  8. Can good learning assignments for using the software application be written easily? Yes
Ease of Use:

  1. Are the labels, buttons, menus, text, and general layout of the computer interface consistent and visually distinct? Yes
  2. Does the user get trapped in the material? No
  3. Can the user get lost easily in the material? No
  4. Does the module provide feedback about the system status and the user's responses? Yes
  5. Does the module provide appropriate flexibility in its use? Yes
  6. Does the learning material require a lot of documentation, technical support, and/or instruction for most students to successfully use the software? No
  7. Does the material present information in ways that are familiar for students? Yes
  8. Does the material present information in ways that would be attractive to students? Yes

Session 1 Lesson Plan

Goal-directed Instructional Design Plan - <Direct and indirect objects in French>
Author - <Jenn Fuller>

  1. A problem or a need – During my lessons my students will learn and practice how to take a direct or indirect object and replace it using a pronoun in French.  They will focus not only on what words to replace them with but also where to place them.  

  1. A real-world performance – Students will take this lesson and create a children’s story book using PowerPoint.  They will also record themselves reading their stories and insert it into their PowerPoint so it functions like a movie.  

  1. An instructional objective – the objectives are based on the final outcome, activity or test. These objectives will each be different for the four types of knowledge; performing skills, recalling facts, identifying examples of concepts, and applying principles.
    1. The students will be able to identify a direct and indirect object
    2. The students will be able to then replace these pronouns and put them in their proper place within the sentence.
    3. The students will create their own children’s story that includes a certain number of these pronouns.

  1. A set of essential content – The students will need to be able to identify, replace and properly insert different direct and indirect objects.  They will also need to use different vocab and grammar concepts from previous lessons in order to create  their stories.

  1. An evaluation consisting of a test or observation – Their children’s stories will be the assessment at the end of this lesson.  They will work in partners and have a few days in order to create a children’s story that uses these object pronouns and also demonstrates proper pronunciation and usage of previous material.   

  1. A method to help participants learn – We will spend a few days practicing identifying and replacing object pronouns using instruction, practice problems and games.  

  • Motivation:
    • Meaningfullness – Students will learn about how this concept will help them to sound more fluent in conversation rather than being very repetitive.  

    • Pleasant consequences – Students will be able to present their work to their peers and receive feedback from not only them but their teacher as well.

    • Novelty – The students will play many different types of review games to ensure that the lesson is understood.

  • Socialization - Students will present their stories to their classmates as well as other French classes.  They will also give and receive feedback from their peers.

  • Audience – For what audience are you designing this lesson? Consider the following:
    • Age
High School students of any age (9th-12th grade)

    • Skill level (including technology skills)
Students should have a moderate skill level when it comes to the pronouns as well as with powerpoint and the voice recording software.

    • Prerequisite knowledge (including technology background)
Students will need to be familiar with the forms, uses and placement of the pronouns.  They will also need to be familiar with how to use PowerPoint in order to be more efficient.

  • Technology Needs – Students will need computers, PowerPoint, and voice recording software (provided in most language labs).